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Поиск по сайтам поставщиков реабилитационных услуг

В области поиска 1492 сайта производителей и поставщиков ТСР - Технических Средств Реабилитации инвалидов на 01.08.2015 г.

Расширенный поиск


  • browsershots.org Check Browser Compatibility, Cross Platform Browser Test - Browsershots. Browsershots делает скриншоты вашего сайта в разных браузерах. Это бесплатный open-source сервис, созданный Johann C
  • accessify.com Accessify A collection of accessibility tools and goodies just for you …
  • anybrowser.com  Tools relevant for accessibility include viewing in various screen sizes and viewing with images are replaced by ALT text. Also available are HTML validation, link checking, search engine tools, and other browser compatibility tests
  • aprompt.ca  A-Prompt has been around for several years now and is beginning to show its age
  • cast.org  Bobby accessiblity testing software
  • cynthiasays.com  The HiSoftware CynthiaSays portal is a joint Education and Outreach project of HiSoftware, ICDRI, and the Internet Society Disability and Special Needs Chapter
  • etre.com Usability - We can make your website easy to use. Accessibility - We can increase the reach of your website and fulfil legal requirements. Findability - We can make your content easy to find and simple to navigate
  • htmlvalidator.com Although this link leads to a commercial product, the free test is located halfway down the page. And, it’s a good test, so the commercial product might be worth your while if you want to go in that direction
  • juicystudio.com Luminosity Colour Contrast Ratio Analyser
  • paciellogroup.com It is primarily a tool for checking foreground background colour combinations to determine if they provide good colour visibility
  • standards-schmandards.com RAAKT – the Ruby Accessibility Analysis Kit
  • tawdis.net TAW is a tool for the analysis of Web sites, based on the W3C - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0)
  • totalvalidator.com  Total Validator is a free one-stop all-in-one validator comprising a HTML validator, an accessibility validator, a spelling validator, a broken links validator, and the ability to take screenshots with different browsers to see what your web pages
  • uitest.com Web Development Tools
  • validatory.ru доступна проверка HTML, XHTML, XML, WML, CSS, RSS, Atom...
  • webaccessibile.org Web content accessibility guidelines
  • colorfilter.wickline.org  Colorblind Web Page Filter
  • fae.cita.uiuc.edu Functional Accessibility Evaluator 1.0.3 Use this form to evaluate the functional accessibility of a single web page
  • try.powermapper.com PowerMapper Software products are used in more than 50 countries by some of the world's largest organizations. Over 30% of the Fortune 100 use our products
  • valet.webthing.com/access Accessibility Valet Demonstrator
  • validator.w3.org  Markup Validation Service
  • wave.webaim.org WAVE is a free web accessibility evaluation tool provided by WebAIM. It is used to aid humans in the web accessibility evaluation process
  • xlanguage.com ChangeAgent makes web site maintenance a snap by bringing problems out into the open and quickly fixing them

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